The internet plays a big role in people’s lives. People can find interesting information through the Internet. I use the internet to learn my lessons, sometimes I play games in my free time. But the Internet also has a negative role in people’s lives, it can cause various diseases, such as visual ailments, neurological diseases, etc. internet should be used in moderation.

Five Reasons Why We Can No Longer Live Without Internet

Ah, the internet, the most criticised element which plays a crucial part in many people’s lives these days. It makes us question, could we really live without internet in 2018?

To answer that question, in this article we take a look at the impact the internet has on us and our lives and just how important it is really is to us.

1. We Are Completely Reliant On It

From adding items to your basket, to buying a flight or train ticket to swiping for a new date, the internet has truly opened us up to a new world, one where our options are completely endless. The moment there is a problem with Wifi you start to panic, the fear of being cut off sinks in, and we realize we are completely reliant on the internet. Fast Wifi plans such as NBN plans are becoming more and more popular, and helping us to keep connected for longer. To be without Wi-Fi is like taking away part of your body, as in 2018 most people and homes have Wi-Fi connections, and are more connected than ever before.

2. It Connects Us More Than Ever Before

It can be agreed that with the internet we are a lot more connected than our ancestors were, or heck even our parents’ generation was. A quick WhatsApp message or a Skype call and you can be talking to someone in seconds no matter where they are in the world. This is only a fantasy that your great grandma would have imagined back in her day, but to us it’s out reality. This is a great advantage we are lucky to have nowadays, and living without it would make us feel extremely isolated.

3. It Prevents Loneliness

Many elderly people are known to suffer from loneliness, especially after becoming widowed. Thanks to the internet, many elderlies have learned to benefit from using new technology, such as the iPad or even computer and phones, and this has therefore given new hope to reconnect with their loved ones who perhaps don’t live close by. This also allows them to discover new people or new activities going on in their area, which helps to keep them feeling an active member of society, and not just stuck in the past.

4. Improves Education

One of the best benefits of having the internet is in terms of education. The moment you want to know something, you have access to it immediately and don’t have to spend time and money researching in a library, depending on what it is you want to find. Along with this, universities and colleges even provide lectures and courses completely online so that students can follow whenever they please. This is so much more helpful for students when they study as they can instantly get help when they need it most.

5. More Flexibility

Finally, it can definitely be argued that the internet gives us a lot more flexibility, in terms of work as well as in terms of making money. If you are unable to reach work, you can now Skype in and make the meeting, and similarly work from wherever you feel fit. When it comes to freelancing, this is one of the best periods for freelancers as companies and businesses increasingly search for freelancers, and without the internet all of this would cease to exist.

Five Reasons Why We Can No Longer Live Without Internet

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